Code viewer for World: ML5 image recognition (clo...

// Cloned by Nik Shautsou on 30 Nov 2023 from World "ML5 image recognition" by Starter user 
// Please leave this clone trail here.

// ML5 image recognition
// based roughly on this World in the ML5 docs:

// Uses neural network 
// ml5.imageClassifier() classifies an image using a pre-trained model.
// The pre-trained model [MobileNet] was trained on a sample of a database of approximately 15 million images.   
// The ml5 library accesses this model from the cloud (from the NPM database).  


let classifier;
let img;

const theimage = "/uploads/starter/1623351872.png";   
 // hedgehog

function preload()
    classifier = ml5.imageClassifier('MobileNet');
    img = loadImage(theimage);

function setup() 
    createCanvas ( img.width, img.height );
    image (img, 0, 0);
 //   AB.msg ( "Running image recognition ... <br> ", 1 );
    classifier.classify ( img, 5,  function ( error, results )          // classify, with callback function 
        if (error) 
            AB.msg ( "<font color=red> <B> Error recognising image. See console for details. </b></font> <br> ", 2 );
            console.log (error);
        // results = an array ordered by confidence
        var r = "<hr> <h3> Rank Confidence Identification </h3> ";
        for ( var i = 0; i < results.length; i++ )
            r = r + (i+1) + ". " + nf(results[i].confidence, 0, 2) + " " + results[i].label + " <br> ";
        AB.msg ( r, 3 );

// no draw() function