Code viewer for World: bees

// Cloned by test2 on 31 Jan 2021 from World "Cubes?" by Elva 
// Please leave this clone trail here.

// Cloned by Elva on 31 Jan 2021 from World "POV: youre getting hit over and over with a baseball bat" by test2 
// Please leave this clone trail here.

// I want to explain for loop
// by printing things out to screen each time round loop
// problem where to print things out 

// use console
// secret place on web pages 
// see errors, messages 
// ctrl-shift-J 

// show how random no works 
var x = AB.randomIntAtoB ( 1, 100 );

// write x to header so I can see what it is 
AB.msg ( x );  

var img;

function preload() 
  img = loadImage ( '/uploads/test2/1608477756.png' );

const objectsize    = 10;      // size of object   

const anglechange   = 0.01;     // how much the rotate angle changes each step 

var angle = 0.01;                  // rotate angle starts at 0  

function setup()        // "setup" is called once at start of run 
   // console.log ( "setup is called!");
  createCanvas ( ABWorld.fullwidth(), ABWorld.fullheight(),  WEBGL );

function draw()         // "draw" is called every timestep during run 
// console.log ( "draw is called!");
  //  texture(img);      
    background("black");    // background color 
    fill("yellow");               // paint box with this color 
    rotateX(angle);             // set each dimension rotation angle to "angle"

  console.log ( "start of for loop");

// a "for loop" does an instruction n times 
for ( var i = 1; i <= 200 ; i = i + 10 )
// for ( start instruction, so long as test to end the loop is true, instruction at end of the following block )
    var x = AB.randomIntAtoB ( -20, 30 );
    var z = AB.randomIntAtoB ( -20, 30 );
    var y = AB.randomIntAtoB ( -10, 10 );

   translate ( x, z, y );   
      console.log ( "value of i = " + i );

 console.log ( "end of for loop");
   angle = angle + anglechange ;       // change angle each step to get rotate movement        