Code viewer for World: Ch.6. Arrays.

// Over a few chapters, we are working up to a "Battleship" style Websocket game.

// Ch.6
// Visually no different. But we are putting in things behind the scenes to support the final game.

// --- We need a new data structure: --------------
// Previously we made ships but did not keep track of what we made.
// Now we need to know if a guess is right, so we need a list of our ships.
// We set up a new variable GRID to keep track of ship positions, player clicks, misses and hits 

// This introduces the concept of an "array".
// In fact, this is a 2-dimensional array, which is a challenge if you are new to arrays.
// So we suggest at this point you go to w3schools and experiment with a 1-dimensional array:


// === start of code ===========================================================================================================

const gridsize 		= 10;							  	   
const squaresize 	= 100;							 
const MAXPOS 		= gridsize * squaresize;	  

const startRadiusConst	 	= MAXPOS * 2 ;		      
const maxRadiusConst 		= MAXPOS * 10 ;			   
const SKYCOLOR 		= 'lightyellow';			      

AB.maxSteps                 = 1000000;         
AB.drawRunControls          = false;
ABWorld.drawCameraControls  = false;          

 const TEXTURE_WALL 	= '/uploads/chapters/stone.png' ;
 const TEXTURE_SHIP 	= '/uploads/chapters/ship.png' ;
 const TEXTURE_FIRE 	= '/uploads/chapters/fire.png' ;
// credit:

var wall_texture, ship_texture, fire_texture; 
var thesea;       

// introduce GRID to keep track of ships
// GRID is an "array" that will keep track of whether squares are:
// empty, wall, ship, burnt ship, or opponent failed attempt
// in fact need 2 such variables:

var GRID1  = new Array(gridsize);	    // my grid
var GRID2  = new Array(gridsize);	    // my (initially blank) map of opponent grid 

 // GRID will in fact be a 2-dimensional array (an array where each element is an array) 
 // e.g. for 100 squares, GRID is an array of size 10, where each element is an array of size 10 

// types of square (can give these any numbers so long as they are different):
const GRID_EMPTY = 0;
const GRID_WALL  = 1;
const GRID_SHIP  = 2;
const GRID_BURNT = 3;
const GRID_FAIL  = 4;

	ABWorld.init3d ( startRadiusConst, maxRadiusConst, SKYCOLOR  ); 

function loadTextures()		  // now has 3 textures to load 
	var loader1 = new THREE.TextureLoader();
	var loader2 = new THREE.TextureLoader();
	var loader3 = new THREE.TextureLoader();
	loader1.load ( TEXTURE_SHIP, function ( texture )  	 
		ship_texture = texture;                  
		if ( ship_texture && wall_texture && fire_texture )	makeEverything();		// if all textures loaded from files  

	loader2.load ( TEXTURE_WALL, function ( texture )  		
		wall_texture = texture;                  
		if ( ship_texture && wall_texture && fire_texture )	makeEverything();		  
	loader3.load ( TEXTURE_FIRE, function ( texture )  		
		fire_texture = texture;                  
		if ( ship_texture && wall_texture && fire_texture )	makeEverything();		  

//--- two 2D grids  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function translateMy ( i, j )			 
// the absolute 3D position of an (i,j) square on my grid is:           
//  width x = (i * squaresize)      
// height y = 0                                
//  depth z = (j * squaresize) 
	var v = new THREE.Vector3();
	v.x = (i * squaresize) ;   		 
	v.y = 0 ;	
	v.z = (j * squaresize) ;   	
	return v;

function translateOpponent ( i, j )		
// put 2nd grid beside the 1st grid, offset on the x dimension 
	var v = new THREE.Vector3();

	v.x = (i * squaresize) + MAXPOS ;   		 
	v.y = 0 ;	
	v.z = (j * squaresize) ;   	

	return v;

//--- translate 3D point to a square in opponent's grid ----------------------------------
// this looks more complicated than it is!
// all explained previously 

const minOpponentX = MAXPOS +            (1 * squaresize) - squaresize/2;
const maxOpponentX = MAXPOS + ((gridsize-2) * squaresize) + squaresize/2;

const minOpponentZ =                     (1 * squaresize) - squaresize/2;
const maxOpponentZ =          ((gridsize-2) * squaresize) + squaresize/2;

function point2address ( p )
    if ( p.x < minOpponentX ) return null;
    if ( p.x > maxOpponentX ) return null;
    if ( p.z < minOpponentZ ) return null;
    if ( p.z > maxOpponentZ ) return null;
    // else we are within the non-wall part of the opponent's grid 
    var i = ( p.x - MAXPOS ) / squaresize;
    var j = p.z / squaresize;
    i =  Math.round ( i );
    j =  Math.round ( j );
    return ( new THREE.Vector2 ( i, j ) );

function makeEverything()		 

function makeGrids()
	var i,j, shape, thecube,   position, lookat;
	shape    = new THREE.BoxGeometry ( squaresize, squaresize, squaresize );			 

	for ( i = 0; i < gridsize ; i++ )  
	  GRID1[i] = new Array(gridsize);		// make each element an array of size "gridsize"
	  GRID2[i] = new Array(gridsize);
	  for ( j = 0; j < gridsize ; j++ ) 
		if ( ( i==0 ) || ( i==gridsize-1 ) || ( j==0 ) || ( j==gridsize-1 ) )         
		    GRID1[i][j] = GRID_WALL;
		    GRID2[i][j] = GRID_WALL;
			thecube = new THREE.Mesh( shape );
			thecube.material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { map: wall_texture } );
			position = translateMy(i,j);                
			thecube.position.copy ( position ); 		
			thecube = new THREE.Mesh( shape );
			thecube.material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { map: wall_texture } );
			position = translateOpponent(i,j);                
			thecube.position.copy ( position ); 		
		    GRID1[i][j] = GRID_EMPTY;
		    GRID2[i][j] = GRID_EMPTY;

// position and "lookat" of camera explained previously:

    position = new THREE.Vector3 ( MAXPOS,   MAXPOS * 1.2,   MAXPOS * 1.3 );
    lookat   = translateMy ( gridsize,  gridsize/2  );
    ABWorld.cameraCustom ( position, lookat );         

function makeSea()      
  var shape = new THREE.PlaneGeometry ( MAXPOS * 2,  MAXPOS  );      // make a "sea" plane for 2 grids side by side   
  thesea = new THREE.Mesh ( shape );
  thesea.material    = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial ( { color: 'lightblue', side: THREE.DoubleSide } );
  thesea.rotation.set ( Math.PI / 2, 0, 0 );        // rotate it 90 degrees   
  // "position" of sea explained previously
  thesea.position.set ( MAXPOS - squaresize/2,      - squaresize * 0.4 ,      MAXPOS/2 - squaresize/2 );  

  ABWorld.scene.add ( thesea );

function makeShips()    
// make randomised ships in my grid
	 var  p, i, j, shape, thecube, position;
	 shape = new THREE.BoxGeometry ( squaresize, squaresize, squaresize );	
	 for ( p = 1; p <=5 ; p++ )    
    	 thecube = new THREE.Mesh( shape );
     	 thecube.material =  new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { map: ship_texture } );
     	 i = AB.randomIntAtoB ( 1, gridsize-2 );    // positions 0 and (gridsize-1) are walls 
     	 j = AB.randomIntAtoB ( 1, gridsize-2 ); 
     	 position = translateMy ( i, j );        
     	 thecube.position.copy ( position ); 

		 GRID1[i][j] = GRID_SHIP;

// Mouse click all explained previously:

ABHandler.initMouseDrag = function ( x, y )  
    trySquare ( x, y );      
    ABHandler.initCameraDrag ( x, y );  

function trySquare ( x, y )
    if ( ABWorld.hitsObject ( x, y, thesea ) )
        var p = ABWorld.hitsObjectPoint ( x, y, thesea );  
        var a = point2address ( p );
        if ( a )
            // write some HTML to the "run header"
            AB.msg ( "<h3 style='color:green'> select opponent square (" + a.x + "," + a.y + ") </h3>" );
            // make a square of fire at that location 
            var i = a.x;
            var j = a.y;
            GRID2[i][j] = GRID_BURNT;
	        var shape = new THREE.BoxGeometry ( squaresize, squaresize, squaresize );	
            var thecube = new THREE.Mesh( shape );
         	thecube.material =  new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { map: fire_texture } );
         	var position = translateOpponent ( i, j );        
         	thecube.position.copy ( position ); 

// === end of code ===========================================================================================================

// Exercise:
// At the start of the run, and during the run, look at the contents of GRID1 in the console by typing its name. Then click arrow to expand. 
// Same for GRID2 and any other variable. 

// Outcomes: Student can:
// Learn how to construct an array and access elements in it.
// Learn how to examine complex objects in the console.