Code viewer for World: Complex World (clone by ke...
class ANN {
	constructor(t = [2, 2, 2], n = [sigmoid, sigmoid], e = .2, i = !1) {
		this.structure = t, this.activation = n, = e, this.bias = i, this.x = this.generateLayers(), this.w = this.generateWeights(), this.activation.splice(0, 0, null), this.trainingExampleFed = 0, this.testingExampleFed = 0, this.rightPrediction = 0
	generateLayers() {
		let t = [];
		for (let n in this.structure) t.push(new Matrix(this.structure[n], 1));
		return t
	generateWeights() {
		let t = this.structure.length - 1, n = new Array(t - 1);
		n[0] = null;
		for (let e = 0; e < t; e++) {
			let t = this.x[e].rows, i = this.x[e + 1].rows;
			n[e + 1] = new Matrix(i, t), n[e + 1].randomize()
		return n
	net(t) {
		return Matrix.multiply(this.w[t], this.x[t - 1])
	act(t) {
	onlyPropagate(t) {
		t = this.transformInput(t), this.x[0] = t;
		for (let t = 1; t < this.x.length; t++) this.x[t] = this.act(t)
	propagate(t) {
		this.x[0] = t;
		for (let t = 1; t < this.x.length; t++) this.x[t] = this.act(t)
	calculateError(t) {
		let n = 0;
		for (let e in
			for (let i in[e]) n += Math.pow([e][i] - this.x[this.x.length - 1].data[e][i], 2) / 2;
		return n
	backpropagate(t) {
		let n = [], e = Matrix.subtract(t, this.x[this.x.length - 1]), i =[this.x.length - 1], this.activation[this.x.length - 1].dfunc);
		i.multiply(e), i.multiply(;
		let s = Matrix.multiply(i, Matrix.transpose(this.x[this.x.length - 2]));
		this.w[this.x.length - 1].add(s), n[this.x.length - 1] = e;
		for (let t = this.x.length - 2; t > 0; t--) {
			let e = Matrix.multiply(Matrix.transpose(this.w[t + 1]), n[t + 1]), i =[t], this.activation[t].dfunc);
			i.multiply(e), i.multiply(;
			let s = Matrix.multiply(i, Matrix.transpose(this.x[t - 1]));
			this.w[t].add(s), n[t] = e
	backpropagateCodingTrain(t) {
		let n = [], e = Matrix.subtract(t, this.x[this.x.length - 1]), i =[this.x.length - 1], this.activation[this.x.length - 1].dfunc);
		i.multiply(e), i.multiply(;
		let s = Matrix.multiply(i, Matrix.transpose(this.x[this.x.length - 2]));
		this.w[this.x.length - 1].add(s), n[this.x.length - 1] = e;
		for (let t = this.x.length - 2; t > 0; t--) {
			let e = Matrix.multiply(Matrix.transpose(this.w[t + 1]), n[t + 1]), i =[t], this.activation[t].dfunc);
			i.multiply(e), i.multiply(;
			let s = Matrix.multiply(i, Matrix.transpose(this.x[t - 1]));
			this.w[t].add(s), n[t] = e
	train(t, n) {
		t = this.transformInput(t), n = this.transformtarget(n), this.propagate(t), this.backpropagate(n);
		let e = outNumeric(n), i = this.getPrediction();
		this.trainingExampleFed += 1, console.log("error: ", this.calculateError(n).toFixed(4), " target: ", e, " prediction: ", i, " examples fed: ", this.trainingExampleFed, e == i ? "GOT IT" : " ")
	test(t, n) {
		t = this.transformInput(t), n = this.transformtarget(n), this.propagate(t);
		let e = outNumeric(n), i = this.getPrediction();
		this.testingExampleFed += 1, e == i && (this.rightPrediction += 1), console.log("error: ", this.calculateError(n).toFixed(4), " target: ", e, " prediction: ", i, " precision: ", this.rightPrediction, "/", this.testingExampleFed, e == i ? "GOT IT" : " ")
	getPrediction() {
		return outNumeric(this.x[this.x.length - 1])
	transformInput(t) {
		return t = (t = Array.from(t)).map(t =  t / 255), t = Matrix.fromArray(t)
	transformtarget(t) {
		return t = outOneHot(this.structure[this.structure.length - 1], t), t = Matrix.fromArray(t)
	generateHtml() {
		return '\n        <div id="ANNGenerator"><h4>Artificial Neural Network</h4>\n        <p class="ANNSubtitle"><i>customize it</i></p>\n            ' + this.generateInputSection() + "\n            " + this.generateHiddenSections() + "\n            " + this.generateOutputSection() + "\n        </div>\n      "
	generateInputSection() {
		return '\n        <div class="ANNSection">\n                <div class="ANNTitleContainer">\n                    <span class="ANNTitle"><b>Input layer</b></span>\n                    <span class="ANNFunction"></span>\n                </div>\n                <div class="ANNCenter"># of Neurons: <b>' + this.structure[0] + '</b></div>\n                <div class="ANNNeurons"><b><i>I</i></b><sub>0</sub> ... <b><i>I</i></b><sub>' + (this.structure[0] - 1) + "</sub></div>\n            </div>\n      "
	generateHiddenSection(t) {
		return '\n        <div class="ANNSectionAdd" onclick="nn.createNewLayer(' + t + ')">\n        <b>+</b>\n        </div>\n        <div class="ANNSection" id="hiddenLayer' + t + '">\n                <div class="ANNTitleContainer">\n                    <span class="ANNTitle"><b>Hidden ' + t + ' layer</b></span>\n                    <span class="ANNFunction">f = ' + this.activation[t].name + '</span>\n                </div>\n                <div class="ANNCenter"># of Neurons: <b>' + this.structure[t] + '</b></div>\n                <div class="ANNNeurons">\n                <span class="ANNNeuronNames">\n                <b><i>H' + t + "</i></b><sub>0</sub> ... \n                <b><i>H" + t + "</i></b><sub>" + (this.structure[t] - 1) + '</sub>\n                </span>\n                <span class="ANNSettings">\n                <span class="jsLink" onclick="$(\'#hiddenLayer' + t + "').html(nn.generateHiddenSectionSettings(" + t + '))">change settings</span>\n                <span>\n                </div>\n            </div>\n      '
	generateHiddenSectionSettings(t) {
		return '\n            <div class="ANNSection" id="hiddenLayer' + t + '">\n            <div class="ANNTitleContainer">\n                <span class="ANNTitle"><b>Hidden ' + t + ' layer</b></span>\n                <span class="ANNFunction">' + this.activationFunctionSelection("hidFunction" + t) + '</span>\n            </div>\n            <div class="ANNCenter"># of Neurons: \n            <input type="number" id="hidNumber' + t + '" value="' + this.structure[t] + '">\n            </div>\n            <div class="ANNNeurons">\n            <span class="ANNNeuronNames">\n            <b><i>H' + t + "</i></b><sub>0</sub> ... \n            <b><i>H" + t + "</i></b><sub>" + (this.structure[t] - 1) + '</sub>\n            </span>\n            <span class="ANNSettings">\n            <span class="jsLink" onclick="nn.updateHiddenSettings(' + t + ", $('#hidNumber" + t + "').val(), $('#hidFunction" + t + "').val())\">save settings</span>\n            <span>\n            </div>\n        </div>\n    "
	updateHiddenSettings(t, n, e) {
		this.structure[t] = Number(n), this.activation[t] = allFunctions[Number(e)], this.x = this.generateLayers(), this.w = this.generateWeights(), this.writeHtmlOnPage()
	generateOutputSectionSettings() {
		return '\n                <div class="ANNTitleContainer">\n                    <span class="ANNTitle"><b>Output layer</b></span>\n                    <span class="ANNFunction">' + this.activationFunctionSelection("outFunction") + ' </span>\n                </div>\n                <div class="ANNCenter"># of Neurons: \n                <input type="number" id="outNumber" value="' + this.structure[this.structure.length - 1] + '">\n                </div>\n                <div class="ANNNeurons">\n                <span class="ANNNeuronNames">\n                <b><i>O</i></b><sub>0</sub> ... \n                <b><i>O</i></b><sub>' + (this.structure[this.structure.length - 1] - 1) + '</sub>\n                </span>\n                <span class="ANNSettings">\n                <span class="jsLink" onclick="nn.updateOutputSettings($(\'#outNumber\').val(), $(\'#outFunction\').val())">save settings</span>\n                <span>\n                </div>\n      '
	generateHiddenSections() {
		let t = "";
		for (let n = 1; n < this.structure.length - 1; n++) t += this.generateHiddenSection(n);
		return t
	generateOutputSection() {
		return '\n        <div class="ANNSectionAdd" onclick="nn.createNewLayer(' + (this.structure.length - 1) + ')">\n        <b>+</b>\n        </div>\n        <div class="ANNSection" id="outputLayer">\n                <div class="ANNTitleContainer">\n                    <span class="ANNTitle"><b>Output layer</b></span>\n                    <span class="ANNFunction">f = ' + this.activation[this.structure.length - 1].name + ' </span>\n                </div>\n                <div class="ANNCenter"># of Neurons: <b>' + this.structure[this.structure.length - 1] + '</b></div>\n                <div class="ANNNeurons">\n                <span class="ANNNeuronNames">\n                <b><i>O</i></b><sub>0</sub> ... \n                <b><i>O</i></b><sub>' + (this.structure[this.structure.length - 1] - 1) + '</sub>\n                </span>\n                <span class="ANNSettings">\n                <span class="jsLink" onclick="$(\'#outputLayer\').html(nn.generateOutputSectionSettings())">change settings</span>\n                <span>\n                </div>\n            </div>\n      '
	generateOutputSectionSettings() {
		return '\n                <div class="ANNTitleContainer">\n                    <span class="ANNTitle"><b>Output layer</b></span>\n                    <span class="ANNFunction">' + this.activationFunctionSelection("outFunction") + ' </span>\n                </div>\n                <div class="ANNCenter"># of Neurons: \n                <input type="number" id="outNumber" value="' + this.structure[this.structure.length - 1] + '">\n                </div>\n                <div class="ANNNeurons">\n                <span class="ANNNeuronNames">\n                <b><i>O</i></b><sub>0</sub> ... \n                <b><i>O</i></b><sub>' + (this.structure[this.structure.length - 1] - 1) + '</sub>\n                </span>\n                <span class="ANNSettings">\n                <span class="jsLink" onclick="nn.updateOutputSettings($(\'#outNumber\').val(), $(\'#outFunction\').val())">save settings</span>\n                <span>\n                </div>\n      '
	updateOutputSettings(t, n) {
		this.structure[this.structure.length - 1] = Number(t), this.activation[this.activation.length - 1] = allFunctions[Number(n)], this.x = this.generateLayers(), this.w = this.generateWeights(), this.writeHtmlOnPage()
	activationFunctionSelection(t) {
		let n = "";
		for (let t in allFunctions) n += '<option value="' + t + '">' + allFunctions[t].name + "</option>";
		return '\n        <label for="' + t + '">f = </label>\n        <select id="' + t + '">\n        ' + n + "\n        </select> \n        "
	createNewLayer(t) {
		this.structure.splice(t, 0, 2), this.activation.splice(t, 0, allFunctions[0]), this.x = this.generateLayers(), this.w = this.generateWeights(), this.writeHtmlOnPage()
	writeHtmlOnPage() {
const PIXELS = 28, PIXELSSQUARED = PIXELS * PIXELS, NOTRAIN = 6e4, NOTEST = 1e4, noinput = PIXELSSQUARED, nohidden = 64, nooutput = 10, learningrate = .1;
let do_training = !0;
let mnist, nn, doodle, demo, trainrun = 1, train_index = 0, testrun = 1, test_index = 0, total_tests = 0, total_correct = 0, doodle_exists = !1, demo_exists = !1, mousedrag = !1;
var train_inputs, test_inputs, demo_inputs, doodle_inputs, thehtml;
	"max-height": "95vh"
}), thehtml = "<hr> <h1> 1. Doodle </h1> Top row: Doodle (left) and shrunk (right). <br>  Draw your doodle in top LHS. <button onclick='wipeDoodle();' class='normbutton' >Clear doodle</button> <br> ", AB.msg(thehtml, 1), thehtml = "<hr> <h1> 2. Training </h1> Middle row: Training image magnified (left) and original (right). <br>   <button onclick='do_training = false;' class='normbutton' >Stop training</button> <br> ", AB.msg(thehtml, 3), thehtml = "<h3> Hidden tests </h3> ", AB.msg(thehtml, 5), thehtml = "<hr> <h1> 3. Demo </h1> Bottom row: Test image magnified (left) and  original (right). <br> The network is <i>not</i> trained on any of these images. <br>  <button onclick='makeDemo();' class='normbutton' >Demo test image</button> <br> ", AB.msg(thehtml, 7);
const greenspan = "<span style='font-weight:bold; font-size:x-large; color:darkgreen'> ";

function loadCss(t) {
	var n = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],
		e = document.createElement("link");
	e.rel = "stylesheet", e.type = "text/css", e.href = t, = "all", n.appendChild(e)

function setup() {
	let t, n = [PIXELSSQUARED, 64, 64, 10];
	createDiv("bla").id("ANNDiv"), $("#ANNDiv").css("display", "inline-block"), $("#ab-wrapper").css("display", "none"), loadCss(""), loadCss(",wght@1,700&family=Nunito:wght@300&display=swap"), createCanvas(canvaswidth, canvasheight), background(220), AB.loadingScreen(), $.getScript("/uploads/codingtrain/matrix.js", function() {
		$.getScript("/uploads/stefano/utils.js", function() {
			$.getScript("/uploads/stefano/generalANN.js", function() {
				$.getScript("/uploads/codingtrain/mnist.js", function() {
					console.log("All JS loaded"), t = [sigmoid, sigmoid, sigmoid], nn = new ANN(n, t, .1, !1), loadData(), nn.writeHtmlOnPage()

function loadData() {
	loadMNIST(function(t) {
		mnist = t, console.log("All data loaded into mnist object:"), console.log(mnist), AB.removeLoading()

function getImage(t) {
	let n = createImage(PIXELS, PIXELS);
	for (let e = 0; e < PIXELSSQUARED; e++) {
		let i = t[e], s = 4 * e;
		n.pixels[s + 0] = i, n.pixels[s + 1] = i, n.pixels[s + 2] = i, n.pixels[s + 3] = 255
	return n.updatePixels(), n

function getInputs(t) {
	let n = [];
	for (let e = 0; e < PIXELSSQUARED; e++) {
		let i = t[e];
		n[e] = i / 255
	return n

function trainit(t) {
	let n = mnist.train_images[train_index], e = mnist.train_labels[train_index];
	if (t) {
		var i = getImage(n);
	let s = getInputs(n), a = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
	a[e] = 1, train_inputs = s, nn.train(s, a), thehtml = " trainrun: " + trainrun + "<br> no: " + train_index, AB.msg(thehtml, 4), ++train_index == NOTRAIN && (train_index = 0, console.log("finished trainrun: " + trainrun), trainrun++)

function testit() {
	let t = mnist.test_images[test_index], n = mnist.test_labels[test_index], e = getInputs(t);
	test_inputs = e;
	let i = findMax(nn.predict(e));
	total_tests++, i == n && total_correct++;
	let s = total_correct / total_tests * 100;
	thehtml = " testrun: " + testrun + "<br> no: " + total_tests + " <br>  correct: " + total_correct + "<br>  score: " + greenspan + s.toFixed(2) + "</span>", AB.msg(thehtml, 6), ++test_index == NOTEST && (console.log("finished testrun: " + testrun + " score: " + s.toFixed(2)), testrun++, test_index = 0, total_tests = 0, total_correct = 0)

function find12(t) {
	let n = 0, e = 0, i = 0, s = 0;
	for (let a = 0; a < t.length; a++) t[a] > i ? (e = n, s = i, n = a, i = t[a]) : t[a] > s && (e = a, s = t[a]);
	return [n, e]

function findMax(t) {
	let n = 0, e = 0;
	for (let i = 0; i < t.length; i++) t[i] > e && (n = i, e = t[i]);
	return n

function draw() {}

function makeDemo() {
	demo_exists = !0;
	var t = AB.randomIntAtoB(0, NOTEST - 1);
	demo = mnist.test_images[t];
	var n = mnist.test_labels[t];
	thehtml = "Test image no: " + t + "<br>Classification: " + n + "<br>", AB.msg(thehtml, 8)

function drawDemo() {
	var t = getImage(demo);
	image(t, 0, canvasheight - ZOOMPIXELS, ZOOMPIXELS, ZOOMPIXELS), image(t, ZOOMPIXELS + 50, canvasheight - ZOOMPIXELS, PIXELS, PIXELS)

function guessDemo() {
	let t = getInputs(demo);
	demo_inputs = t;
	let n = findMax(nn.predict(t));
	thehtml = " We classify it as: " + greenspan + n + "</span>", AB.msg(thehtml, 9)

function drawDoodle() {
	let t = doodle.get();
	image(t, 0, 0, ZOOMPIXELS, ZOOMPIXELS), image(t, ZOOMPIXELS + 50, 0, PIXELS, PIXELS)

function guessDoodle() {
	let t = doodle.get();
	t.resize(PIXELS, PIXELS), t.loadPixels();
	let n = [];
	for (let e = 0; e < PIXELSSQUARED; e++) n[e] = t.pixels[4 * e] / 255;
	doodle_inputs = n;
	let e = find12(nn.predict(n));
	thehtml = " We classify it as: " + greenspan + e[0] + "</span> <br> No.2 guess is: " + greenspan + e[1] + "</span>", AB.msg(thehtml, 2)

function wipeDoodle() {
	doodle_exists = !1, doodle.background("black")

function showInputs(t) {
	var n = "";
	for (let e = 0; e < t.length; e++) {
		e % PIXELS == 0 && (n += "\n"), n = n + " " + t[e].toFixed(2)

function executeTraining() {
	for (let t = 0; t < 6e3; t++) nn.train(mnist.train_images[t], mnist.train_labels[t])

function executeTesting() {
	for (let t = 0; t < 1e3; t++) nn.test(mnist.test_images[t], mnist.test_labels[t])