API: P5 (AB) (r2)

API Uses canvas Graphics libraries AB framework Worlds using this API Starter Worlds
P5 (AB) (r2) Yes P5 Yes 6 Worlds None

This API is for P5 Worlds. It comes with an Ancient Brain framework to make writing Worlds easier. This would require changes to existing P5 worlds. So this is really for writing new P5 Worlds for this platform.

This API has the following features:



This API defines a global variable "ABWorld" with functionality as follows.

 ABWorld;       // instance of class ABWorldClass - basic functionality for this API
 ABWorld.init ( color );             
   // create canvas with some background color	
   // this defines a setup() function and calls P5's createCanvas() function
   // The object returned by P5's createCanvas() function

   // The object corresponding to p5canvas.canvas 

Do not define a setup() function

P5 uses global functions setup() and draw().
This API provides AB support. It defines its own setup() function internally to create the canvas.
Hence in your World: Also: