
Delayed run start

We often want to delay the start of the run until resources are loaded, or until the user has clicked on a splash screen.

AB.runReady = true;              // Start the run loop immediately 
                                 // or delay the run loop until the World is ready.
AB.loadingScreen();              // draw a standard loading screen   
AB.loadingHtml ( html );         // define entire HTML of the loading screen  
AB.removeLoading();              // remove loading screen 

AB.newSplash();                  // draw a standard splash screen  
AB.newSplash ( html );           // draw a standard splash screen plus a HTML message 
AB.splashHtml ( html );          // define entire HTML of the splash screen  
AB.splashClick ( fn );           // define function when splash screen clicked    
AB.removeSplash();               // remove splash screen 

Example of how to use a loading screen

Here is a plan for how to use AB.runReady and a loading screen to load resources. Do not start the run loop until resources loaded. Then loading screen vanishes. = function() 
  // ... initialise whatever we can without the resources 
  AB.runReady = false;  
  // start asynchronous load of resources
  loadResources ( resources, function()
    // this function is called whenever load resources returns  	  
    // ... further initialisation now resources are loaded 
    AB.runReady = true;             
}; = function()
  // this function will not be called until AB.runReady = true

Example World that uses a loading screen:

Blank Three.js World
1514 runs ♦ 2 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 20 Nov 2016
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
A simple starter World. An Array of spheres. Painted with textures. Random motion.

Example of how to use a splash screen

Here is a plan for how to use AB.runReady with a splash screen. Do not start the run loop until user dismisses splash screen. = function() 
  AB.runReady = false;  		
}; = function()
  // this function will not be called until AB.runReady = true


// define what splash screen click does:

$('#splashbutton').click ( function ()        
  AB.runReady = true;              

Example World that uses a splash screen:

Castle World
786 runs ♦ 4 likes
By Starter user  
Created: 11 Nov 2016
Modified: 17 Sep 2023
Demo of how to insert 3d model into World. Mind-controlled agent, actively-pursuing enemy. Splas...