The Annual De-obfuscation
is upcoming on 8 Sept 2024.
Mind: Cloned Sean

Owner: Jacob  

Clone of "Sean" by Sean Hutchinson

Created: 17 Nov 2018
Modified: 17 Sep 2023

Type: Public. Plain JS.
View plain JS.

No embed code. Mind cannot run. World does not use Minds.

0 runs

Score: 0

Run Mind cannot run. World does not use Minds.
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The background is a program, showing the JavaScript graphics used on this site.
The globes light up when you log in.

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Call for partners!
Ancient Brain is looking for a partner to co-write a JavaScript coding book for schools, to be used worldwide. This would be a course for students in learning to code from scratch. The book and course will be integrated into the Ancient Brain site. This is an opportunity for someone looking to develop a course and textbook to partner with a site to promote it. Read more.