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World: DALL-E image processing

Owner: Darragh McG  
API: Webpage (r2)
World type: No Mind

Interface to DALL-E image generation API by OpenAI. Need to enter your own OpenAI API key. Choose different modes. (1) Generation Mode: Enter text and generate image. Takes your prompt and generates an enhanced prompt first, then gets the image. DALL-E generates images on a server and web page can include them directly. (2) Edit Mode: Upload image and mask, and ask for a new image to be created in the selected area. See explanation of this function here: https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/images/createEdit. (3) Variation Mode: Upload image and make variant of it. Author: Darragh McGonigle.

Created: 26 Nov 2023
Modified: 16 Feb 2024

Type: Public. Plain JS.
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