Owner: Darragh McG
API: Webpage (r2)
World type: No Mind
Indefinite story book generation. Allows the user to automatically generate an illustrated short story book by just using prompting. Calls GPT text API and DALL-E image generation API, both by OpenAI. Need to enter your own OpenAI API key. Enter a few prompts and GPT constructs an entire story. Then we call DALL-E with that story to get images to represent it. DALL-E generates images on a server and web page can include them directly. You can go back and forward and the text and images are still there. Clone and Edit to change MODE and other settings. Author: Darragh McGonigle.
Type: Public. Plain JS.
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457 runs
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Edit | Must be logged in. |
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Clone | Must be logged in. |
New Mind | Only valid for Worlds that use Minds. |
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Delete | Must be owner. |