Owner: Sarthak Sethi
API: Webpage (r2)
World type: No Mind
Generate and visualize Three.js code and images. Need to enter your own OpenAI API key. Two modes: (1) Generate code. Enter request for code to build some graphics. Calls OpenAI GPT API to ask for Three.js code. Parses return code and displays Three.js scene inline. "Copy code" button. (2) Generate images. Calls OpenAI DALL-E image generation API. Gets 5 images. DALL-E generates images on a server and web page can include them directly. "Open Full" to open in new tab. Switch between two modes and the output is still there in the other mode.
Type: Public. Plain JS.
View plain JS.
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344 runs
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Edit | Must be logged in. |
Update image | Must be logged in. |
Clone | Must be logged in. |
New Mind | Only valid for Worlds that use Minds. |
Change World type | Must be owner. |
Change API | Must be owner. |
Delete | Must be owner. |